YIC GPS receiver was demonstrated at IEEE RADIO 2019, the following article from Dr. Miroslav Skoric.
The 7th edition of 2019 IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (IEEE RADIO 2019), the international conference was held in Reunion Island (France) from Monday 23rd to Thursday 26th September 2019. I had a tutorial on amateur radio communications there, and this time I wanted to include even more practical demo & display than before. In that direction, I obtained a temporary French license for transmitting amateur radio signals and two special call-signs: TO0MPB and TO019IEEE. (TO0MPB was chosen to have a similar suffix as my original call-sign YT7MPB so to allow easier communication, while TO019IEEE was chosen to celebrate that IEEE event in 2019.)
As usual, I wanted to announce my presence by using local APRS networks. (APRS stands for Automatic Packet / Position Reporting System.) For that purpose, my equipment included YIC GU93030SM-USB. The initial setup also included some HF equipment, kindly provided by local radio amateurs at Reunion Island. My intention was to use it for BPSK31 mode, with a sound-card interface.
Having in mind geographical configuration of surrounding terrain as well as the distance to the other islands in the area, it was not expected that APRS communication would reach many recipients if any.
My next conference travel shall happen in December 2019 for a large engineering event in Goa, India, and for visiting universities and amateur radio groups in that country. That 2-3 week journey is a good opportunity to promote more YIC products, such as flash memory G-mice!
Miroslav Skoric, YT7MPB (ex-TO0MPB)